Detect objects in generic images, using the official pretrained models.
Models are hosted on `deepghs/yolos <https://huggingface.co/deepghs/yolos>`_.
.. image:: yolo_demo.plot.py.svg
:align: center
This is an overall benchmark of all the censor detect models:
.. collapse:: Overview of YOLOv5 Models
.. image:: yolov5_benchmark.plot.py.svg
:align: center
.. collapse:: Overview of YOLOv8 Models
.. image:: yolov8_benchmark.plot.py.svg
:align: center
.. collapse:: Overview of YOLOv9 Models
.. image:: yolov9_benchmark.plot.py.svg
:align: center
.. collapse:: Overview of YOLOv10 Models
.. image:: yolov10_benchmark.plot.py.svg
:align: center
.. collapse:: Overview of YOLO11 Models
.. image:: yolo11_benchmark.plot.py.svg
:align: center
.. collapse:: Overview of YOLO12 Models
.. image:: yolo12_benchmark.plot.py.svg
:align: center
.. collapse:: Overview of RT-DETR Models
.. image:: rtdetr_benchmark.plot.py.svg
:align: center
from typing import List, Tuple
from imgutils.data import ImageTyping
from imgutils.generic import yolo_predict
_REPO_ID = 'deepghs/yolos'
_DEFAULT_MODEL = 'yolo11s'
[docs]def detect_by_yolo(image: ImageTyping, model_name: str = _DEFAULT_MODEL,
conf_threshold: float = 0.3, iou_threshold: float = 0.7, **kwargs) \
-> List[Tuple[Tuple[int, int, int, int], str, float]]:
Detect object in generic images.
:param image: The input image to be analyzed. Can be a file path, URL, or image data.
:type image: ImageTyping
:param model_name: Optional custom model name. Default is `yolo11s`.
:type model_name: str
:param conf_threshold: The confidence threshold for detections. Only detections with
confidence above this value will be returned. Default is 0.3.
:type conf_threshold: float
:param iou_threshold: The Intersection over Union (IoU) threshold for non-maximum
suppression. Detections with IoU above this value will be merged.
Default is 0.7.
:type iou_threshold: float
:return: A list of tuples, each containing:
- A tuple of four integers (x0, y0, x1, y1) representing the bounding box
- A string indicating the type of detection (e.g. 'person', 'cat', etc)
- A float representing the confidence score of the detection
:rtype: List[Tuple[Tuple[int, int, int, int], str, float]]
:raises ValueError: If an invalid level is provided.
:raises RuntimeError: If the model fails to load or process the image.
>>> from realutils.detect import detect_by_yolo
>>> detect_by_yolo('yolo/unsplash_aJafJ0sLo6o.jpg')
[((450, 317, 567, 599), 'person', 0.9004617929458618)]
>>> detect_by_yolo('yolo/unsplash_n4qQGOBgI7U.jpg')
[((73, 101, 365, 409), 'vase', 0.9098997116088867), ((441, 215, 659, 428), 'vase', 0.622944176197052), ((5, 1, 428, 377), 'potted plant', 0.5178268551826477)]
>>> detect_by_yolo('yolo/unsplash_vUNQaTtZeOo.jpg')
[((381, 103, 676, 448), 'bird', 0.9061452150344849)]
>>> detect_by_yolo('yolo/unsplash_YZOqXWF_9pk.jpg')
[((315, 100, 690, 532), 'horse', 0.9453459978103638), ((198, 181, 291, 256), 'horse', 0.917123556137085), ((145, 173, 180, 249), 'horse', 0.7972317337989807), ((660, 138, 701, 170), 'horse', 0.4843617379665375)]
return yolo_predict(