This module provides a comprehensive interface to InsightFace, a 2D/3D face analysis toolkit. It includes functionalities for face detection, recognition, gender & age estimation, and visualization.
The models are hosted on Hugging Face Hub at deepghs/insightface, original project at deepinsight/insightface.
- class realutils.face.insightface.Face(bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float], det_score: float, keypoints: List[Tuple[float, float]], gender: Literal['F', 'M'] | None = None, age: int | None = None, embedding: ndarray | None = None)[source]
A dataclass representing detected face information.
This class stores information about a detected face, including its location, detection confidence, facial landmarks, and optional demographic attributes.
- Parameters:
bbox (Tuple[float, float, float, float]) – Bounding box coordinates in format (x1, y1, x2, y2)
det_score (float) – Detection confidence score between 0 and 1
keypoints (List[Tuple[float, float]]) – List of facial keypoint coordinates as (x, y) tuples
gender (Optional[Literal['F', 'M']]) – Gender classification result, either ‘F’ for female or ‘M’ for male
age (Optional[int]) – Estimated age in years
embedding (Optional[np.ndarray]) – Feature embedding of this human face
- Example:
>>> face = Face( ... bbox=(100, 200, 300, 400), ... det_score=0.99, ... keypoints=[(150, 250), (200, 250)], ... gender='F', ... age=25 ... )
- to_det_tuple() Tuple[Tuple[float, float, float, float], str, float] [source]
Convert face detection result to a standardized detection tuple format.
This method formats the face detection information into a tuple that can be used with general object detection frameworks or visualization tools.
- Returns:
A tuple containing (bbox, label, confidence_score)
- Return type:
Tuple[Tuple[float, float, float, float], str, float]
- Example:
>>> face = Face(bbox=(100, 200, 300, 400), det_score=0.99, keypoints=[]) >>> bbox, label, score = face.to_det_tuple()
- realutils.face.insightface.isf_detect_faces(image: str | PathLike | bytes | bytearray | BinaryIO | Image, model_name: str = 'buffalo_l', input_size: Tuple[int, int] = (640, 640), det_thresh: float = 0.5, nms_thresh: float = 0.4) List[Face] [source]
Detect faces in the given image using RetinaFace model.
- Parameters:
image (Union[str, PIL.Image.Image, numpy.ndarray]) – Input image (can be path, PIL Image, or numpy array)
model_name (str) – Name of the detection model to use
input_size (tuple) – Model input size (width, height)
det_thresh (float) – Detection confidence threshold
nms_thresh (float) – Non-maximum suppression threshold
- Returns:
List of detected faces with bounding boxes and keypoints
- Return type:
- Example:
>>> from realutils.face.insightface import isf_detect_faces >>> from PIL import Image >>> >>> img ='path/to/image.jpg') >>> faces = isf_detect_faces(img) >>> for face in faces: ... print(f"Face {face.bbox!r} detected with confidence: {face.det_score}")
- realutils.face.insightface.isf_genderage(image: str | PathLike | bytes | bytearray | BinaryIO | Image, face: Face | Tuple[float, float, float, float], model_name: str = 'buffalo_l', no_write: bool = False)[source]
Detect gender and age from a facial image.
This function performs gender and age detection on a given face in an image. It can work with either a Face object or raw bounding box coordinates.
- Parameters:
image (ImageTyping) – Input image (can be path, URL, PIL Image, or numpy array)
face (Union[Face, Tuple[float, float, float, float]]) – Face object or bounding box coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2)
model_name (str) – Name of the model to use for detection, defaults to _DEFAULT_MODEL
no_write (bool) – If True, don’t update the Face object with results (if face is Face object)
- Returns:
Tuple of (gender, age) where gender is ‘F’ or ‘M’ and age is an integer
- Return type:
tuple[str, int]
- realutils.face.insightface.isf_extract_face(image: str | PathLike | bytes | bytearray | BinaryIO | Image, face: Face, model_name: str = 'buffalo_l', no_write: bool = False)[source]
Extract face embedding features from an image.
- Parameters:
image (ImageTyping) – Input image
face (Face) – Face object containing keypoints
model_name (str) – Name of the model to use
no_write (bool) – If True, don’t write embedding to face object
- Returns:
Face embedding vector
- Return type:
- realutils.face.insightface.isf_face_batch_same(embs: List[ndarray] | ndarray, model_name: str = 'buffalo_l', threshold: float | None = None)[source]
Determine if faces in a batch are the same person using similarity threshold.
- Parameters:
embs (Union[List[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]) – List or array of face embeddings
model_name (str) – Name of the model to use
threshold (Optional[float]) – Similarity threshold, if None uses default
- Returns:
Boolean matrix indicating matching faces
- Return type:
- realutils.face.insightface.isf_face_same(emb1: ndarray, emb2: ndarray, model_name: str = 'buffalo_l', threshold: float | None = None) float [source]
Determine if two faces are the same person.
- Parameters:
emb1 (np.ndarray) – First face embedding
emb2 (np.ndarray) – Second face embedding
model_name (str) – Name of the model to use
threshold (Optional[float]) – Similarity threshold, if None uses default
- Returns:
Boolean indicating if faces match
- Return type:
- realutils.face.insightface.isf_analysis_faces(image: str | PathLike | bytes | bytearray | BinaryIO | Image, model_name: str = 'buffalo_l', input_size: Tuple[int, int] = (640, 640), det_thresh: float = 0.5, nms_thresh: float = 0.4, no_genderage: bool = False, no_extraction: bool = False, silent: bool = False) List[Face] [source]
Perform comprehensive face analysis on an image, including detection, gender/age estimation, and feature extraction.
This function processes an image through multiple stages of face analysis: 1. Face detection to locate faces and their landmarks 2. Gender and age estimation (optional) 3. Face feature extraction (optional)
- Parameters:
image (ImageTyping) – Input image for face analysis
model_name (str) – Name of the pre-trained model to use from Hugging Face Hub
input_size (Tuple[int, int]) – Size to resize input image to before processing (width, height)
det_thresh (float) – Detection confidence threshold for face detection
nms_thresh (float) – Non-maximum suppression threshold for face detection
no_genderage (bool) – If True, skip gender and age estimation
no_extraction (bool) – If True, skip face feature extraction
silent (bool) – If True, disable progress bar
- Returns:
List of detected Face objects with analysis results
- Return type:
- realutils.face.insightface.isf_faces_visualize(image: str | PathLike | bytes | bytearray | BinaryIO | Image, faces: List[Face], text_padding: int = 6, fontsize: int = 12, keypoint_size: int = 12, box_color: str = '#ff00ee', max_short_edge_size: int | None = None, fp=None, no_label: bool = False)[source]
Visualize face detection results by drawing bounding boxes, keypoints and labels on an image.
This function takes an input image and a list of detected faces, then draws:
Bounding boxes around each detected face
Keypoints for facial features using randomly generated colors
Optional labels showing detection confidence scores
The visualization can be customized through various parameters like font size, box colors, and whether to show labels.
- Parameters:
image (ImageTyping) – Input image to visualize detections on. Can be a PIL Image, numpy array, or path to image file.
faces (List[Face]) – List of detected Face objects containing bounding boxes, keypoints and scores.
text_padding (int) – Padding around label text in pixels.
fontsize (int) – Font size for label text.
keypoint_size (int) – Size of keypoint markers in pixels.
box_color (str) – Color of bounding box in hex format (e.g. ‘#ff00ee’).
max_short_edge_size (Optional[int]) – Maximum size of shortest image edge. If specified, image will be resized while maintaining aspect ratio.
fp (matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties or None) – Font properties for matplotlib font. Only used if matplotlib is available.
no_label (bool) – If True, suppresses drawing of labels.
- Returns:
PIL Image with visualized detection results.
- Return type:
- Example:
>>> from realutils.face.insightface import isf_faces_visualize, isf_detect_faces >>> from PIL import Image >>> >>> image ='face.jpg') >>> faces = isf_detect_faces(image) >>> visualized = isf_faces_visualize( ... image, ... faces, ... fontsize=14, ... box_color='#00ff00' ... ) >>>